Charles E Hardy
San Antonio Family Lawyers & Attorneys for San Antonio Divorce
* Divorce
* Military
* Modification
* Probate
* Parentage
Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, L.L.P., San Antonio Divorce Attorneys, are proud to offer our clients their own individual secured web site with around-the-clock access to their court orders, important documents and informational bulletins.
Our clients have their own secured web sites providing constant access to orders and other important documents in their file not only during but after the conclusion of their case.
On-line documents, individualized information and bulletins give HHZ clients the knowledge necessary to increase their confidence and control of their cases.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Charles E Hardy
Higdon Hardy & Zuflacht LLP
12000 Huebner Rd #200
San Antonio TX 78230-1210
Tel: 210 561-4025
Fax: 210 349-9988
I am a San Antonio Divorce attorney who specializes in divorce and family law matters. I understand how incredibly traumatic the divorce experience can be. Change is difficult. I strive to timely resolve your case in as prompt and efficient a manner as possible. I'll work persistently to insure that the delays of our opposition, intentional or not, do not stagnate your legal process.
If you need a high caliber attorney with a thorough understanding of the law, and you want a man of integrity, proud of his reputation and the respect of both judges and fellow attorneys, then I am eager to assist you.
I am confident of my professional capability, but I am not one who is pompous or aloof, like those who return calls "later in the week." In fact, I may be the most accessible Family Law attorney in San Antonio. My clients have my office number, my mobile number, and even my home phone number. When I'm not available, my calls are usually returned the same day.
