J Cary Barton
Commercial Real Estate Law, Business and Corporate, Partnership, Mergers and Mediation Law
* Administrative Law
* Bankruptcy
* Business and Corporate Law
* Commercial Real Estate Law
* Construction Law
* Corporate Governance
* Energy Law
* Estate Planning Law
* Family Law
* Litigation
* Mediation
* Mergers
* Partnership
The firm provides a complete range of legal services for commercial real estate development and investment, including acquisition of unimproved tracts of land for development; acquisition of improved properties for renovation or operation; conventional construction and permanent financing for multi-family, retail, office, industrial and mini-storage properties; tax-exempt financing for low- to moderate-income multi-family rental properties; low-income tax credit financing for low-income and senior multi-family rental properties; construction and renovation activities; property management and leasing activities; occupancy and ground lease transactions for retail properties; sales and exchanges of properties, including pre-sales, earn-outs and tenant-in-common exchange dispositions; organization and administration of corporations, limited partnerships, registered limited liability partnerships, general partnerships and joint ventures; conversion of entities from one type to another; qualification of entities on multi-state basis; advice on structure and management of internal entities for principals and key employees of commercial development organizations; and local counsel services pertaining to development and financing of Texas properties by developers and owners from other states.
J Cary Barton
Barton East & Caldwell LLP
700 N Saint Mary's St #1825
San Antonio TX 78205
Tel: 210 225-1655
Fax: 210 225-8999
E-mail: cbarton@beclaw.com
Practice Areas: Commercial Real Estate; Business Organizations.
Position: Partner. Born Raymondville, Texas, September 1, 1940; admitted to bar, 1965, Texas; 1972, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas; 1977, U.S. Tax Court. Education: Baylor University (B.A., 1962); Harvard University (LL.B., 1965). Board Certified, Commercial Real Estate Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Member: San Antonio and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas (Member: Council of Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section, 1981-1985 and 2006-; Real Estate Forms Committee, 1986-); American College of Real Estate Lawyers; Texas College of Real Estate Attorneys. Member: Commission of the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for Real Estate Legal Assistants. Recipient of Fourth Annual Distinguished Texas Real Estate Attorney Lifetime Achievement Award, Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section, State Bar of Texas, 2003. Listed in The Best Lawyers in America (Real Estate), 2004-2007. Selected as a Texas Super Lawyer by Texas Monthly and Law & Politics Magazine, 2003-2006, including recognition as one of the Top 50 Lawyers in Central and South Texas, 2006. Recipient of Best Speaker Award for the 2004 Advanced Real Estate Law Course of the State Bar of Texas. Listed as one of San Antonio’s Best Attorneys in Scene in SA Monthly, August 2004-2006. Author, Texas Practice Guide: Business Entities, Volumes 1-4 (Thomson-West, 2007).
