/Home/Elder Attorneys: San Antonio TX
James B House
Fellow - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
James B House
House & House
8526 N New Braunfels Ave
San Antonio TX 78217-6304
Tel: 210 821-6863
Fax: 210 821-6866
E-mail: housepc@swbell.net READ MORE
Lacey P Whitten
Estate Planning, Probate, Guardianship and Elder Law
The Law Office of Lacey P. Whitten is an established and experienced law office in San Antonio, Texas. Since 1993 we have been representing peop READ MORE
Kathy C Elder
Providing legal services with compassion, fairness and advocacy. A private law practice focusing on the legal needs of seniors and the disabled person.
Serving individuals in need of legal assista READ MORE
Patricia F Sitchler
SC&S lawyers devote most of their professional time to assisting clients in eight closely-related practice areas: Tax Counseling, Estate Planning and Administration, Real Estate, Business Planning, El READ MORE
Paul A Premack
Texas Elder Law Resource Center
Certified Elder Law Attorney - National Elder Law Foundation
Fellow - National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Premack Law Office
8031 Broadway St
San Antonio READ MORE
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