Daphne Previti
Trial Experience In:
* Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
* Aggravated Robbery
* Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child
* Arson
* Assault Bodily Injury
* Assault on a Public Servant
* Burglary of a Building
* Burglary of a Habitation
* Competency and Fitness to Proceed
* Criminal Trespass
* Deadly Conduct
* Driving while Intoxicated
* Drugs (Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana)
* Evading Arrest causing a death
* Failure to Stop and Render Aid
* Indecent Exposure
* Injury to an Elderly Person
* Labor Law (Hazardous Occupation)
* Murder
* Resisting Arrest or Search
* Soliciting a Prostitute
* Tampering with a Governmental Record
* Terroristic Threat
* Theft from an Elderly Person
Law Office of Daphne Previti
206 E Locust St
San Antonio TX 78212
Tel: 210 212-6700
Fax: 210 212-2178
E-mail: dp@daphnepreviti.com
Daphne Previti is a Trial Attorney with extensive trial experience who practices primarily in Atascosa, Bexar and Wilson Counties.
She has been a solo practioner since February 2008 following more than ten years with the Bexar County District Attorney's Office in San Antonio, Texas.
BAR ADMISSIONS: State Bar of Texas, 1997; United States District Court, Western District of Texas, 1997.
She was Board Certified in Juvenile Law in 2002 by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and was re-certified in 2007.
